Our Projects

Anandha Jyothi Charitable Trust has a lot of specializations in terms of involvement.

Under the ample shade of Anandha Jyothi, we effectively perform numerous invaluable services for the betterment of the helpless and needful people in our society. We perceive such acts of charity as our duty and an obligatory duty to humanity as well. Contemporary society has witnessed the advancement of science, technology, and education, but the problems like illiteracy, poverty, abandonment of parents, patients, and children remain unsolved. We aim to address these issues of the marginalized people in society and try to indulge in the process of uplifting them to the forefront.

The following list shows a glimpse of our services:


Open up to an Expert in a space where you get the guidance you need, and your concerns get the attention they deserve. Any guidance on career, relationship, parenting counselors, psychologists for advice on self-improvement & relieving stress, anxiety & depression.

Free Ambulance Service

Free Ambulance Service for underprivileged, including funeral services. These services are given by experienced professionals in an efficient manner. We are available for giving our admirable services 24×7 hours.

Blood Donation

Volunteers donate all blood products used for transfusions performed in the Country to help people who are ill or injured, or who need blood for other reasons.

If you’re a blood donor, you’re a hero to someone, somewhere, who received your gracious gift of life.

Small scale business units

It is similar to spoiling the underprivileged people to feed every day. We find it more acceptable and satisfactory if they could find a source of income.
We help to start-up small-scale business units, such businesses which they can start with minimal capital and continue with fewer expenses and more profit/ savings. Mostly we encourage brushing up their inborn talents or the jobs their ancestors use to do. That requires no training or learning process.

Medical Aid

The impact of volunteers goes far beyond the doctors and nurses who volunteer their time and expertise for needful.

Many people who want to help others do not need health care experience to support efforts like educating the public about health and safety issues, delivering meals to seniors and patients.

Cemetery Project

Upcoming Project

The basic need or right of a dead human is buried in a proper way. It's sad to mention even now in our developing country this need is been denied in many cases. At some may be a lack of proper knowledge were at other stages lacking a cemetery.

We are about to start the funeral service including the burial ground(cemetery) by the end of June month. A cemetery is under construction with 10 slots and a service area in the Manjapra region. The project will commence on June 31st.

Educational Aid

Education is a basic human right for all and is important for everyone to make the most of their lives and it helps to promote individual freedom, empowerment and propagates important development benefits. It improves an individual’s chances in life and helps to tackle poverty.
Primary schooling is free in our country, but there are additional costs for uniforms, books and transportation, especially in rural areas, where a student may travel more than an hour each way by public bus to school. The expenses may be too much for a family to pay, on top of the money the family loses by not sending a child to work or even marrying off a daughter. Here we lend a hand to support such families rise above.

Seminar sessions for disabled

Being disabled comes with its difficulties. But many of them have it a lot easier than others. Around the world, millions of disabled people live in developing countries, often in poverty, shunned by society, and without support.

To empower, encourage and motivate disabled people we conduct seminars and training classes to tell about their way to the job market and how can they fulfill their dreams. By using our coaching tools we help them to find their inner motivation, inner power, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

Clothes and blankets Supplies

You can feel good knowing your used clothing is benefiting someone less fortunate.


For most of us, the idea of winter means cuddling under the blanket for warmth, lying in our comfort zone, and sipping coffee sitting beside the fire. But for those on the streets, with every drop in the temperatures, it’s a fight for survival. We supply Clothes & Blankets where we provide high-quality warm blankets along with dry ration and dignity kits to the underprivileged living in the open on the streets. We try our best to reach out to people in every part of the city.

Delivery of Food kits

We all wish we could do more to support underprivileged serious patients facing challenges and their caregivers, beyond our prayers. We lend our hands for needful. Currently, we run two projects